BIRTH DATE: January 3, 1984 Santiago de Chile E-mail: AND MEDIA STUDIES teachings BSIC 1989-2001 College of OssSantiago teachings Teresiano Enrique TOP 2003 - 2006 Bachelor of Arts Santiago Pontificia Catholic University of Chile OTHER 2002 oil painting workshop Santiago Corporacion UOA CULTURAL EXHIBITIONS 2005 Printmaking Student Selection Rancagua Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Room Sodimac exhibition xylograph Color Collective exhibition 2006 "P / A: Proof Artist: Art in Progress" Santiago Selection of Students and Graduates Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Exhibit Hall E. UC East Campus Vilches xylograph Color Exhibition Collective 2006 "Artist Proof" Santiago Selection of Students and Graduates Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Manuel Robles Exhibition Hall I. Municipalidad de Renca xylograph Color Collective Exhibition 2006 "Book Art" Santiago Selection of Students and Graduates Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Exhibit Hall E. UC East Campus Vilches Book Art Seminar taught by Professor Matilde Marin. Collective exhibition. 2006 Printmaking I helpers Professor Rafael Munita Pontifical Catholic University of Chile on Aluminum Lithography Seminar 2006 Professor Daniel Santiago de Campos Corporacion Cultural Workshop Book Art 99 2006 Professor Matilde Marin Santiago Pontificia Universidad of Catholic Chile